A cura di Antonella Riem Natale, Maria Renata Dolce, Stefano Mercanti e Caterina Colomba
The essays collected in ths volume cover most of the globe’s literary geography and cultures and show how the ‘creative world’, with its symbolic, poetic and dialogic power, is a useful critical tool when reasing texts, as welle as studyng forms of partnership creativity across different spaces and historical times. Prominent scholars from around the world closely examine the variety of forms and expressions of the ‘creative world’ in the fields of literatures in English, language teaching and education, and demonstrate its strenght and potentialitis as an instrument of transcultural consciousness and awareness.
I saggi raccolti in questo volume esplorano una vasta area delle letterature e delle culture del mondo per dimostrare come la ‘parola creativa’, con il suo potere simbolico, poetico e dialogico, sia uno strumento critico prezioso nello studio dei testi e nell’esame di forme creative di partnership che attraversano luoghi e tempi diversi. Illustri studiosi nazionali e internazionali analizzano in maniera puntuale la varietà delle espressioni della ‘parola creativa’ nel campo delle letterature in inglese, della lingua e delle scienze dell’educazione sottolineandone la forza e le potenzialità ai fini dell’acquisizione di una coscienza e consapevolezza transculturale.
Antonella Riem Natale is Professor of English Literature, Pro-Vice Cancellor International, former Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, President of the Italian Conference of Foreing Languages, Founder of the Partnership Studies Group (PSG) at the University of Udine (Italy).
Maria Renata Dolce is Profcessor of English Literature at the University of Salento, Lecce (Italy) and member of the Partnership Studies Group (PSG) at the University of Udine (Italy).
Stefano Mercanti is Researcher Fellow at the University of Udine (Italy) and member of the Partnership Studies Group (PSG) at the University of Udine.
Caterina Colomba is Research Fellow at the University of Salento, Lecce (Italy) and member of the Partnership Studies Group (PSG) at the University of Udine (Italy).