A cura di Fausto Freschi e Andrea Cuna

The Universe of Knowledge

Celebrating Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan (1892-1972)

It is impossible to fully understand the epistemological vision and theoretical framework that inspired S.R. Ranganathan’s attempt to find the underlying unity of knowledge without taking into account the crucial role of the Hindu tradition that preceded him and guided his research and work. The first part of the book deals with this aspect and discusses the conceptual tools that he used in his approach to knowledge organisation (e.g., facet analysis, “seminal mnemonics”, “absolute syntax”), all of which are inextricably intertwined with essential elements of the Hindu tradition, from the Vedic principle of eka-vākyatā (“syntactic unity”) to the cognitive processes involved in a state of samādhi (deep meditative absorption). The second part of the book first provides an overview of Ranganathan’s legacy, highlighting in what way his methodological approach still inspires many of today’s researchers working in the area of Digital Humanities. Then it focuses on a relatively new area of scholarly activity that lies at the interface between classical Indological research and the digital cultural ecosystem, with an emphasis on some new perspectives and practical directions that may prove productive in the field of Digital Indology.

  • Fausto Freschi

    Fausto Freschi is President of the “Luigi Pio Tessitori” Indological Society (Udine) and Subject Expert in Information Literacy at the Department of Languages and Literatures, Communication, Education and Society of University of Udine. He is the Editor of the series Bibliotheca Indica and Scientific Supervisor of the LPT Project and ŚĀSTRA research projects. His main research interests are ancient Indian sciences and history of Indology.

  • Andrea Cuna

    Andrea Cuna is Assistant Professor of Archival Science, Bibliography and Library Science at the Department of Languages and Literatures, Communication, Education and Society of University of Udine. He is the Scientific Supervisor of the "Ranganathan Project" (www.ranganathanproject.org/). His main areas of research include exploratory and faceted search, cultural heritage information systems, and digital libraries.

Scegli in Versione cartacea Open access
titolo: The Universe of Knowledge
sottotitolo: Celebrating Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan (1892-1972)
curatori: Fausto Freschi e Andrea Cuna
editore: Forum
luogo di pubblicazione: Udine
anno di pubblicazione: 2024
collana: Tracce. Itinerari di ricerca/Area umanistica e della formazione
formato: cm 17x24
pagine: 220
immagini: b/n e col.
prezzo versione cartacea: 24,00 € sconto 5%
ISBN: 978-88-3283-428-4
ISBN: 978-88-3283-486-4 (versione digitale/pdf)