Abstract: This introductory essay explores the soil in which the roots of Ranganathan’s work grew, by investigating the educational background, cultural ties, and social context that may have influenced Ranganathan’s activities as a scholar and library scientist. The main aim is to provide a general and critical overview of the cultural origins and philosophical foundations of Ranganathan’s work with particular reference to his Indian sources. In this regard, it is worth stressing that, beyond what can be derived from biographical accounts of Ranganathan’s life, the most convincing evidence on his cultural background is provided by Ranganathan’s references to the classical texts of Indian culture and philosophy. This introductory essay does not engage in a full presentation or critical analysis of any important issues related to the Library and Information Science field. Rather it is an attempt to recontextualise Ranganathan’s scientific legacy within the framework of his cognitive roots. On the one side, this can lead to gain a broader and more holistic perspective on his ideas, notions, methodologies, and theories about knowledge. On the other side, it can also lead to insights on the methodological implications involved in designing faceted information systems.
Keywords: S.R. Ranganathan, Hindu tradition, Colon Classification, Information Science, Scientific method
Contenuto in: The Universe of Knowledge. Celebrating Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan (1892-1972)
Curatori: Fausto Freschi e Andrea Cuna
Editore: Forum
Luogo di pubblicazione: Udine
Anno di pubblicazione: 2024
Collana: Tracce. Itinerari di ricerca/Area umanistica e della formazione
ISBN: 978-88-3283-428-4
ISBN: 978-88-3283-486-4 (versione digitale/pdf)
Pagine: 19-73
DOI: 10.4424/978-88-3283-486-4-02
Per citare:
Fausto Freschi e Andrea Cuna,
«Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan (1892-1972): An Introduction», in
Fausto Freschi e Andrea Cuna (a cura di),
The Universe of Knowledge. Celebrating Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan (1892-1972), Udine, Forum, 2024,