Marco Cursi

Due antiche sillogi decameroniane a Udine e una rigatura inconsueta

Parole chiave: Decameron, Udine, Rilegature, Silloge
Abstract: Two Ancient Unbound Anthologies of the Decameron in Udine. The contribution offers a palaeographical and codicological analysis of ms. 30 of the Civic Library “V. Joppi” (Udine). This codex (consisting of three quires without binding) contains a short selection of tales from Boccaccio’s Decameron (III, 10; introduction to the IV day; X, 5). It was written at the end of the XIV century by Domenego Caronelli, a copyist and literate from Conegliano, who also transcribed a complete edition of the Centonovelle (ms. Vat. Rossiano 947). The Udine papers witness a specific kind of circulation of the Decameron tales, which we can call “in dribs and drabs”, inserted as they are in a text folder which is difficult to define and only partially comparable to the book form.
Keywords: Decameron, Udine, Bindings, Anthology
Contenuto in: Giovanni Boccaccio: tradizione, interpretazione e fortuna. In ricordo di Vittore Branca
Curatori: Antonio Ferracin e Matteo Venier
Editore: Forum
Luogo di pubblicazione: Udine
Anno di pubblicazione: 2014
Collana: Libri e biblioteche
ISBN: 978-88-8420-849-1
ISBN: 978-88-8420-976-4 (versione digitale/pdf)
Pagine: 263-282
DOI: 10.4424/978-88-8420-849-1-16
Licenza: Creative Commons
Per citare: Marco Cursi, «Due antiche sillogi decameroniane a Udine e una rigatura inconsueta», in Antonio Ferracin e Matteo Venier (a cura di), Giovanni Boccaccio: tradizione, interpretazione e fortuna. In ricordo di Vittore Branca, Udine, Forum, 2014, pp. 263-282