Written by his long-time friends and collaborators, writers and scholars from the University of Udine, this volume is a collection of studies, thoughts, and recollections on the life and work of Pierluigi Cappello, one of the most distinguished and original voices of recent generations of writers in Friulan. In our ever-changing and fragmented world, Cappello’s artistic and human journey represents a significant exemplum of how to use creatively diverse languages and literatures. Born in the small Friulan town of Chiusaforte, he was perfectly bilingual, also in his writing; for him the poetic word, once retrieved and freed from conventional patterns, becomes the key to trespass the edge (the ôr in the Friulan language) and cross the threshold to the “second reality”, invisible to common gaze. Cappello sees with closed-eyes, in a dream-like dimension, like a shaman-poet, thus trespassing borders and moving towards other worlds in order reach the true essence of things and their deepest dimension.
…i vôi ju ài sierâts, vierte la scuarce / dal sium, e tal blanc da li’ mans la lune / e jere domiestie, domiesti il mont / come il cjâf di un ninin cence vergogne. // In pâs / sierant i vôi par viodi.
…I closed my eyes and opened the rind of my dream / and in my pale palms the moon / was domestic, domestic the world / like the head of a shameless child // In peace, closing my eyes to look.
(from Inniò by Pierluigi Cappello)