Parole chiave: Terremoti, Friuli, Ricostruzione
Abstract: The paper discusses the after-earthquake strategy in Friuli in order to understand the basic methodological tools used to provide an appropriate approach to reconstruction. The paper also analyses the evolution of the seismic activity in Italy from the the Belice earthquake in 1968 to the recent Aquila and Abruzzo of 2009 delineating a weak “Bel Paese” permanently under potential seismic attack. In order to face such kind of permanent fear of disaster is important for a suitable approach to define an appropriate methodology covering the different phases of intervention from the first-aid actions to the anti-seismic rehabilitation of the rural building as well as of the historical urban fabric. In this perspective the action patterns of the Friuli experience are analysed in order to evaluate their capability to solve the different reconstruction related problems. The positive results of the strategy adopted during the ten years of the Friuli reconstruction after the 1976 earthquake are compared with the recent outcomes of the Aquila and Abruzzo after earthquake reconstruction strategy.
Keywords: Eearthquakes, Friuli, Reconstruction
Contenuto in: Nuovi valori dell'italianità nel mondo. Tra identità e imprenditorialità
Curatori: Raffaella Bombi e Vincenzo Orioles
Editore: Forum
Luogo di pubblicazione: Udine
Anno di pubblicazione: 2011
Collana: Convegni e incontri
ISBN: 978-88-8420-726-5
ISBN: 978-88-8420-969-6 (versione digitale/pdf)
Pagine: 73-81
DOI: 10.4424/978-88-8420-709-8-08
Per citare:
Mauro Bertagnin,
«Ricostruire dopo il trauma del sisma. Il modello o meglio l’esperienza-Friuli, la ricostruzione possibile e altro ancora», in
Raffaella Bombi e Vincenzo Orioles (a cura di),
Nuovi valori dell'italianità nel mondo. Tra identità e imprenditorialità, Udine, Forum, 2011,