Parole chiave: Friulano, Lingua, Lessico
Abstract: Friulian is spoken in the extreme Northeastern region of the Italian peninsula, where the three major language families of Europe meet: the Romance family, which Friulian belongs to, the Germanic family and the Slavic family. The active population who speaks Friulian as mother tongue or as a second language is around 600,000-700,000 people. Besides Friulian speakers living in Friuli, there are also Friulian speakers in the many Friulian communities around the world (especially in American continent and in Northern Europe). Friulian language, written since the end of the 13th century, is characterized by remarkable phenomena of peculiar development from Latin, and also by remarkable phenomena of conservation. It is worth mentioning the presence of a double set of vowels with distinctive value (long and short) among the first ones, and the conservation of the muta cum liquida clusters among the latter ones. Finally, it is interesting to point out the importance of the Friulian lexicon, in a Romance languages perspective as well, which presents many typical elements.
Keywords: Friulian, Language, Lexicon
Contenuto in: Nuovi valori dell'italianità nel mondo. Tra identità e imprenditorialità
Curatori: Raffaella Bombi e Vincenzo Orioles
Editore: Forum
Luogo di pubblicazione: Udine
Anno di pubblicazione: 2011
Collana: Convegni e incontri
ISBN: 978-88-8420-726-5
ISBN: 978-88-8420-969-6 (versione digitale/pdf)
Pagine: 177-195
DOI: 10.4424/978-88-8420-709-8-18
Per citare:
Federico Vicario,
«Il friulano. Cenni di storia linguistica, grammatica e lessico», in
Raffaella Bombi e Vincenzo Orioles (a cura di),
Nuovi valori dell'italianità nel mondo. Tra identità e imprenditorialità, Udine, Forum, 2011,