Parole chiave: Tipicità, Sviluppo territoriale, Agroalimentare, Distretto agroalimentare
Abstract: By integrating the content offered while teaching the module “Knowledge of Friuli”, and considering the cultural importance offered by the descendants of Friulian origins, with this work we would like to emphasize the importance of the international promotion and development of Italian agrofood, in particular, that of Friuli Venezia Giulia since it is a region known for its unique flavours and cultural excellence. Thus, it is essential to recognise the importance of this uniqueness, which is the cornerstone for the development of excellent local products. In addition, a further objective of this work is to highlight the vital role played by effective organisation in production areas which makes the region competitive at an international level, especially in relation to aggregations of associated companies. It should be noted that the process of internationalisation of Italian agrofood affects the entire agricultural sector, both in terms of production and processing. In this way, for example, the region of Friuli Venezia Giulia, thanks to the introduction of the brand “Tipicamente Friulano” (Typically Friulian), is adapting to the demand and sensitivity of the new global market, enhancing the excellence of regional agrofood products.
Keywords: Typicality, Territorial development, Agribusiness, Agribusiness district
Contenuto in: Nuovi valori dell'italianità nel mondo. Tra identità e imprenditorialità
Curatori: Raffaella Bombi e Vincenzo Orioles
Editore: Forum
Luogo di pubblicazione: Udine
Anno di pubblicazione: 2011
Collana: Convegni e incontri
ISBN: 978-88-8420-726-5
ISBN: 978-88-8420-969-6 (versione digitale/pdf)
Pagine: 213-221
DOI: 10.4424/978-88-8420-709-8-20
Per citare:
Roberto Zironi e Alessandra Miccoli,
«I distretti della tipicità volano per la tutela e la valorizzazione dei territori», in
Raffaella Bombi e Vincenzo Orioles (a cura di),
Nuovi valori dell'italianità nel mondo. Tra identità e imprenditorialità, Udine, Forum, 2011,