Kristina Lazar

Stilemi manieristici in un capolavoro trecentesco: il Decameron censurato di Luigi Groto (1541-1585)

Parole chiave: Decameron, Controriforma, Luigi Groto
Abstract: Mannerist Elements in a XIV-century Masterpiece: The Decameron Censored by Luigi Groto (1541-1585). In 1588 the last of the three censored versions of the Decameron from the late XVI century was published. Its author, Luigi Groto, not only followed the main rule of Counter-Reformation censorship, eliminating every reference to the clergy and the Catholic world, but also tried to narratively fill the gaps created by expurgation, in some cases changing the plot to the point that some of the stories were barely recognisable. Groto’s version is usually described as the most distorted and bizarre among the three Counter-Reformation versions. This article is an attempt to provide an explanation for the changes by analysing Groto’s corrective strategies, his stylistic peculiarities and his adhesion to Mannerism.
Keywords: Decameron, Counterreformation, Luigi Groto
Contenuto in: Giovanni Boccaccio: tradizione, interpretazione e fortuna. In ricordo di Vittore Branca
Curatori: Antonio Ferracin e Matteo Venier
Editore: Forum
Luogo di pubblicazione: Udine
Anno di pubblicazione: 2014
Collana: Libri e biblioteche
ISBN: 978-88-8420-849-1
ISBN: 978-88-8420-976-4 (versione digitale/pdf)
Pagine: 393-404
DOI: 10.4424/978-88-8420-849-1-23
Licenza: Creative Commons
Per citare: Kristina Lazar, «Stilemi manieristici in un capolavoro trecentesco: il Decameron censurato di Luigi Groto (1541-1585)», in Antonio Ferracin e Matteo Venier (a cura di), Giovanni Boccaccio: tradizione, interpretazione e fortuna. In ricordo di Vittore Branca, Udine, Forum, 2014, pp. 393-404