Pia Claudia Döering

Madonna Filippa chiamata in giudizio. Diritto naturale e diritto positivo nel Decameron

Parole chiave: Diritto e letteratura, Novella, Giustizia
Abstract: Madonna Filippa Summoned. Natural Law and Positive Law in the Decameron. The novellas in the Decameron portray an increasingly complex society. Different disciplines were developing, notably medicine, theology, philosophy, law and literature. Boccaccio, who studied law for six years on request of his father, was an expert in the literary as well as in the legal field. The Decameron gives outstanding evidence of its author’s knowledge of law and of the juridical practice of his day. The present article explores the opposition of natural law and positive law as it crops up in the frame story of the Decameron and in the novella of Madonna Filippa (VI, 7). It shows how Boccaccio portrays the medieval legal system through the eyes of female characters.
Keywords: Law and literatur, Novel, Justice
Contenuto in: Giovanni Boccaccio: tradizione, interpretazione e fortuna. In ricordo di Vittore Branca
Curatori: Antonio Ferracin e Matteo Venier
Editore: Forum
Luogo di pubblicazione: Udine
Anno di pubblicazione: 2014
Collana: Libri e biblioteche
ISBN: 978-88-8420-849-1
ISBN: 978-88-8420-976-4 (versione digitale/pdf)
Pagine: 435-447
DOI: 10.4424/978-88-8420-849-1-25
Licenza: Creative Commons
Per citare: Pia Claudia Döering, «Madonna Filippa chiamata in giudizio. Diritto naturale e diritto positivo nel Decameron», in Antonio Ferracin e Matteo Venier (a cura di), Giovanni Boccaccio: tradizione, interpretazione e fortuna. In ricordo di Vittore Branca, Udine, Forum, 2014, pp. 435-447